Estonian intel chief on Russia’s war | DW News

With Russia’s war in Ukraine grinding on, how much of a chance does Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s “victory plan” have for success? Is Vladimir Putin ready to negotiate or preparing for a wider war against the West? DW’s Tim Sebastian gets an assessment of the conflict from Kaupo Rosin, the head of Estonia’s intelligence service.

00:00 Intro
00:50 Could West face war with Russia and when?
03:30 Russian force generation
04:40 Iranian ballistic missiles and “Axis of Upheaval”
07:00 Russian strategy for victory and NATO
09:00 Western defense plans
10:25 How many troops to NATO’s eastern flank?
12:20 Escalation of Russian sabotage in Europe
14:20 Long-range missiles discussion
17:00 Frozen conflict in Ukraine?
19:30 Realism and potential outcomes
20:25 Russian preparations for wider war?
22:20 Zelenskyy’s “victory plan”
24:20 Can Kyiv still win?

#estonia #ukrainewar #russia


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  1. Yes Ivans, While you’re busy fighting fact and defying reality online, Kalingrad Peoples Republic as a western oriented independent state is in the works. Please keep up the good work. It’s all going according to plan. Isn’t it?

  2. Now you in the West must admit that the Ukrainian war is a proxy war for the West to weaken Russia! Only the US and the Western alliance are interested in seeing the war continuing infinitely.

  3. am laughing at Europe and u.s.a so hard you want to king of world but it's never going to be possible African failed but putting will never fail instead the world will collapse 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  4. 4:45 😂 what a joke question !!!
    They the West are always afraid of Russia, specially EU awareness is propagandised for decades since the second World War and the Cold War, Germany was divided with a wall east and west as we know, the West started the war, with the 2014 coup illegaly

  5. Russia at war with Europe is ridiculous. Russia has trouble taking a village in Ukraine. Their weapons explode in silos. And the others – Iran, China, North Korea – are even further away.

  6. Tamerlane has to be born and teach the waries to be brave and delete the enemy, not waiting for years. It is awful, saying a battle of attrition! If putin win, you all will friend with him again?

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