Trump prahlt mit „sehr guten Beziehungen“ zu Putin, während er Selenskyj empfängt

Trump prahlt mit „sehr guten Beziehungen“ zu Putin, während er Selenskyj empfängt

  1. – he is fooking Putins puppet on his strings, lol. he is not going to diss his master, same with majority of the GOp who long for a dictatorship in America

  2. Trump is scum and always has been, Why FUCKHEAD It’s not in jail it’s plain to see the very people that are voting for him the millionaires are the ones that are covering them

  3. And maybe Donald thinks Vlad might like Alaska back. That way he wouldn’t be confused with Afghanistan anymore and Sarah won’t have so far to look to see Russia.

  4. I can only hope that Zelensky and his team have buried some red herring intelligence in the plan that will make it immediately obvious when Trump passes it on to Putin.

  5. The orange clown would eat a mile of pootin’s shit just to be able to lick where it came from. That’s the kind of “relationship” they have.

  6. Can anybody tell me why a world leader is talking to a hasbeen, traitor, con-man who is a private citizen?

  7. He bashes Zelensky then kisses his ass in public. Trumps followers must be idiots. Trump is a fucking moron.

  8. I bet Zelensky gave Trump some valuable info about Ukraines upcoming military operations, just to see how long it will take for Trump to tip off Putin. Here’s the thing… the “valuable info” was fake, and only for Trump, and it will prove Trump works for Putin.

  9. Omg. Trump is talking about how Zelenskyy supported him through his impeachment, everything is about his victimhood.

  10. Just a typical transaction for the weird old orange deranged man. Trump looking for the highest bidder to fill up his pockets with $Billions.

  11. “Damn, he can get away with this shit, and win presidency again?” – Neville Chamberlain, probably 

  12. He doesn’t have a presidential bone in his body. Can’t even hide his love for Putin for ten minutes and appear like a leader. I’ve seen 25 year olds with better game faces. Sad and scary.

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