On the night of September 27, Russian colonel Oleksiy Kolomeytsev was eliminated in the Moscow region, – RBC

Oleksiy was the head of the 924 state center of unmanned aviation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and was involved in the training of operators and service personnel of the Shahed UAV.

Liquidation of Oleksiy is a joint special operation of the local resistance movement in coordination with the GUR of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. Why did someone blur his face?! It could be any ugly and fat orc. To be fair unblurring it probably wouldn’t change a whole lot about that fact..

  2. ‘local resistance movement’ + ‘Moscow region’… What did I miss? There’s such thing like la résistance ?

  3. *”Liquidation of Oleksiy is a joint special operation of the local resistance movement in coordination with the GUR”*

    *”local resistance movement in the Moscow region”*

    *”Moscow resistance movement”*



  4. Got a face only a mother could love. And even she thought he was an ugly toilet thieving c**t

  5. Adidas sided with the Nazis originally anyways. Makes sense.

    Fun fact- (Adi’s brother split with him due to his Nazi ties and went on to form Puma).

  6. I somehow feel more satisfied when they die so close to home, is it just me or does anyone else feel like that?

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