[OC] Median household income by state adjusted for cost of living.

[OC] Median household income by state adjusted for cost of living.

Posted by circusboy1

  1. Interesting. So are people literally trapped in a place like Mississippi?

    Perhaps there should be a federal funded program to provide money for a moving van + two months rent to get these people out of that hell hole.

  2. Hawaii is the most surprising to me. Seems like an expensive place to live but a hard place to make money, but evidently I’m wrong.

  3. This seems odd. Am I crazy thinking $63k in Louisiana or Mississippi actually sounds better than $79k in California?

  4. In the cases of Texas and Florida, I wonder if they take into account both the absence of income tax, as well as property tax averages of Texas and homeowners’ insurance costs in Florida?

  5. What does that actually mean though? We have two different data sets but don’t have an equation or explanation of how it is applied. COLA is applied to the county level of the state and MHI is applied here at the state. Are we just supposed to take it at face value?

  6. It seems like doing this at state level can end up not really reflecting what things actually look like for people. Like in my state (NC) the median household incomes in the cities is higher than average, but rural is lower than average. My city it’s like $92k, but rural areas it’s like $60k… So showing the average for the state isn’t actually showing the reality of life for either group living in it.

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