That’s not even close to happening!

Posted by MagnetiStrawberry

  1. What do you mean, the tariff he will put on the next hurricane will be like no other. It will be 300% and people will ask why no one has done this before.

  2. The guy said, a few days ago, that rising sea levels would create *more* beachfront property… Think about how fucking stupid that is for a few seconds… But not for too long, because then you’ll have *more* minutes in your day

  3. Considering a core pillar of his platform is “tariffs will pay for the things I want to do”, when all they can do is disincentivize buying certain things from certain places…. no he does not. Tariffs are not universally bad ideas, but they will never bring in money for the federal government because that’s literally not how they work. This is what you get when you vote for a “political outsider”

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