Plotting Golf Courses in R with Google Earth [OC]

Plotting Golf Courses in R with Google Earth [OC]

Posted by golfguy181

  1. It’s an interesting start to a project, but that’s what it feels like: A start. Some more information or…. I don’t know, something, is needed here.

  2. People complaining because of where you posted it but honestly I found this beautiful in presentation and would love to see more. I don’t golf but I would think some folks would dig these as wall art.

  3. As someone who golfs but knows nothing of “R” can you please explain? I am interested to know more

  4. Cool vis but fuck golf courses. Such a huge amount of land used for mainly rich twerps. Not to even go into water use. The quicker we drastically reduce the numbers of these, the better.

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