Body Language Expert Says Melania Was Lying When She Laughably Said That Donald Was a ‘Family Man’

Body Language Expert Says Melania Was Lying When She Laughably Said That Donald Was a ‘Family Man’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Well he does have three families, LOVES his daughter, and gives all of them jobs, so in a sense… 

  2. Hey! I never saw the interview, only read the words “family man” and Trump, and I knew it was bullshit. I knew that because the family man was sweating onto Stormy Daniels while Melania was home pregnant with Barron.

  3. She only cares about having an easy life with money enough to satisfy her needs. That’s what she gets outta the deal and Donnie boy gets to grab random pussy. Whatever loomers into view.

  4. He paid off a porn star he cheated on his third wife with.


    We don’t need a body language expert for this.

  5. He is a family man, so much so he’s been married three times, and cheated on all three wives.

  6. As tempting as confirmation bias is, body language experts are full of crap. They’re probably right this time because we all already knew it.

  7. And every other person who aren’t body language experts (or gullible idiot Trump voters) also knew it was bullshit

  8. There are 17 different things a guy can do when he lies to give himself away, guys got 17 pantomimes, woman’s got 20

  9. She is a trump by marriage not blood but she has absorbed their entitled attitudes, their ability to lie like a rug, and the absolute need to scam. She is just as nasty as the rest of them

  10. Oh that’s what gave her away? Body language. And not him being a total skeezer who wants to date his daughter.

  11. I bet Melania and Donald have lots of long, interesting chats. They have so much in common – They both love soup. They love the outdoors. They love snow peas. And talking, and not talking. [ They could talk or not talk forever, and still find things to not talk about. ](

  12. The only thing surprising would be if it was revealed she wasn’t paid by his people to say that specific part of the interview and she came up with it on her own

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