Reportedly Russian artillery fires on its own servicemen who were trying to surrender in the Kurakhiv direction

Reportedly Russian artillery fires on its own servicemen who were trying to surrender in the Kurakhiv direction

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. Really doesn’t surprise me, but russia will use this as propaganda and say ukraine done this to soldier’s surrendering to tell their soldiers not to surrender and fight to the death. Let’s hope they don’t believe the Russian scum

  2. What a horrific tactic but it makes a sort of twisted sense from a Russian perspective:
    Your own soldiers are Ill-trained and disposable meat bags. If they’re surrendering, they must be surrendering to someone, so shelling the entire area may inflict a few 2- or 300s in the Ukrainian ranks. In a war of attrition this is the evil calculus.

  3. Ukrainians putting themselves at risk of being spoted and attacked by artillery to take those prisoners

  4. “The Russian people have their own cultural code, their own traditions”

    -Vladimir Putin

  5. I don’t see anyone in the group who is obviously UAF.

    I wonder if they outed themselves by saying something over the radio about surrendering and their commander sent a drone out to watch them, calling in the artillery strike once it was confirmed that they did intend on following through?

  6. One wonders what the relatives of these Russians say about their husbands, brothers, fathers or sons being deliberately killed by their own people. I would go crazy.

  7. I actually hoped these guys would live (for a prisoner exchange ofcourse). This is actually fucked up shit

  8. “If I can’t have it / you , NO ONE CAN “! Russia: Always about everything always and forever. Trash wannabe empire. Everything they have ever touched is ruined broke and trashed..Their “navy” trash Aviation trash anything good or quality they ever didn was either Ukranian or another group they subjecteds work and technology. They do not invent. They steal. They steal credit for everything as well ideas woke culture they love to steal culture call it Russian and claim forever they own it. The only thing they ever innovate is better ways of stealing and breaking things. They can and will remove the joy out of anything.

  9. Beat them up or kill retreating soldiers until morale improves is the tried and tested tactic of the Ruzzian army.

  10. Poor bastards probably think it’s Ukrainian artillery, I hope at least that last guy made it to Ukrainian positions. Also very scary how accurate that hit on the road (at 0:40) is, really shows how accurate modern artillery can be

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