Trump Mocked Mercilessly for Having a Meltdown as People Leave His Rally Early, ‘He’s Falling Apart!’

Trump Mocked Mercilessly for Having a Meltdown as People Leave His Rally Early, ‘He’s Falling Apart!’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Never meet your hero. 


    unless it’s a pathetic weak diaper-filling authoritarian wannabe fascist child molesting cult leader. I’m glad the rally attendees are finding out who they worshipped

  2. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, as he doesn’t really say anything when he talks, and never has. It’s all memes, catchphrases, insult comedy, self-aggrandizement, and cockamamie gobbledygook. It’s what he does, it’s who he is. You stand there listening to his nonsense, you’re surrounded by smelly, drunken Trumpies, your eyes begin to water, and it’s time to go. Gotta beat the traffic.

  3. “Falling Apart.” Dude has come apart at the seems. How the media give this dude any airtime is mystifying … and then i come to realize sure hes bad for the country but great for ratings … unreal times we are living in

  4. What a great Dem tactic. Go to a dump rally, and leave early muttering about how weird he’s gotten.

  5. They’re rushing home to watch FOX and NEWSMAX and see heavily edited reels of “Good Trump”.

  6. Based on his performance at rallies, it is hard to believe TCF can win the election.

    What also worries me, is the possible cheating via way of states fake electors, gerrymandering, voter intimidation at polling places, and other regulations enacted by -thuglicans across the country.

    As TCF screams for fair elections, it is him and other Republicans corrupting the vote. Looking at you Gym Jordan, Ron Johnson, Ken Paxton,

  7. Trump talks nonsense. I would think normal people would want to listen to his policies and how he is going to implement his policies. His supporters go to his rallies or whatever you call them for one thing to hear slanders and crazy ass stuff for entertainment. MAGA is a worthless political movement. It’s just total nonsense, BS.

  8. I laughed when Kamala said that line in a debate… but I had no idea the magnitude of emotional distress it was going to cause him

    He’s insecure because he knows it’s true. And now every rally he has he’s melting down when he sees people leaving and is reminded she was right. Amazing.

  9. Oh dear, hes finally catching on that his small rallies and smaller crowds keep thinning out.

    And hes bigly mad

  10. People go for the tailgate. The “shakedown street” of merch and to feel as sense of belonging before they go home to a phone that doesn’t ring cuz their kids don’t call them anymore

  11. It’s people leaving because they want to beat the crowd. This doesn’t matter. Those people will still vote for him, don’t kid yourself.

  12. If us dems really wanted to mess with him we would show up in the several hundreds or more so he would be really excited. Then at a strategic time all leave at once and say out loud to everyone around that he’s just too boring. That would mess him up bad and I’m guessing since his followers are exactly that, followers they would also start leaving. An ultimate burn like that would be glorious.

  13. They might be leaving to avoid having to face reality about their candidate, but they are still voting for him

  14. Sir! Sir! You have shown the miraculous power of time reversal! Your servants will all grow young again thanks to you!

  15. Funny as hell how he denied that junk when Kamala pie-faced him over it in the debate ! That’s the main thing that proved that he lost definitively!

  16. I dont think they go to hear what he has to say. I think they attend to be able to say “look guys, I saw trump in person” because that is more important to them. They know how they’ll vote and some people may actually come to realize how abhorrent he is but I think it’s ultimately a clout thing.

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