Zelenskiy says Trump assured him of support for Ukraine in war with Russia

Zelenskiy says Trump assured him of support for Ukraine in war with Russia


by Wickedocity

  1. Forget anything the Orangeutang spouts Vlad. He’s incapable of being truthful! You have been warned.

  2. Trump will promise anything that is popular for votes.

    Trump’s support will be to turn over land to Putin for peace.

  3. I don’t think Trump is even biologically capable of telling the truth, so his word is worth about as much as one of his used diapers.

    Also, that’s assuming that he’ll even win the election. Fuck, I can’t wait until it’s over and he’ll never be relevant on this scale again.

  4. By support, Trump of course means a dagger in the back and a hard shove into the path of an oncoming bus.

  5. If true, this could possibly be devastating towards Putin; since he is likely hoping for a Trump peace plan to confirm the territory currently illegally seized. “IF TRUE”

  6. Most have got polling back from his Ukraine is already lost statement and thinking this will limit the damage, but unless he does a 180 forces his party and supporters to back Ukraine right now I wouldn’t expect anything from him.

  7. Trump has scrambled eggs for brains and has never told the truth. He is a mixed up, jaded old fart with Alzheimer’s and enablers. Do not trust him with anything. Not even shuffling off this mortal coil anytime soon

  8. He says publicly he won’t turn privately to Zelensky he will, exactly like putler would do. The truth is unpredictable because he doesn’t ever do what he says but I’m more inclined to believe he will love throwing red meat to his base that he did X to stop the war even if it was a disaster just like everything else he does like pulling out of the war in the middle east.

  9. During the debate, Trump couldn’t even bring himself to say that he wanted Ukraine to win the war, when directly asked. That’s how much he “supports” Ukraine.

    It’s a shame that he’s trying to pretend he supports Ukraine. And Zelensky has to be polite and not say anything negative about him. But obviously the orange clown is lying like he always does.

  10. Guys, Zelenskyy knows who trump is, but he has to start preparing for the worst if he wins. He can’t risk burning that bridge. It’s not like him saying trump would backstab Ukraine would assure victory for Harris.

  11. Sorry Mr. President Zelenskyy, but trump’s word is as worthless as Putlers’. Make your contingency plans NOW!

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