Red states

Red states

Posted by EdStArFiSh69

  1. Take on welfare: go get a job, you effin’ grifter 

    Disaster relief: WE ARE SUFFERING!!!! WE DESERVE HELP! 

  2. “Here in AMERICAN TEXAS, we don’t need to hook our electrical grid up to the FEDRAL system, because we don’t want to be FEDERALLY REGULATED. Which is why when Texas froze, OUR PRIVATE SYSTEM charged little old ladies 10,000$ to pay for heat or DIE” – Average Texan Electrical worker.

  3. TX thinks it wants to secede. Again. Ha. As prone as it is to hurricanes, freezes, mismanaged grid issues … best pay attention.

    When Abbott gave electric companies the gift customers will pay for upgrading and rebuilding the damage after the Feb/2021 freeze …. within *weeks* Gov Abbott, Lt Gov Patrick, and others received *lots* of cash.


    Instead of bussing and flying legal immigrants around the country, and activating the National Guard … could have used all that fixing the grid.

  4. Pretty much. Ironic that the people that bitch about welfare costs the most are by far the biggest recipients of public assistance. But go ahead, rebuild your house for the third time this year, in the same place, in the same way. Assholes.

  5. Time for red states to show us all about this bootstrap thing they’ve been telling us to do. Now’s your time to shine. Dry off, kiddos.

  6. I wonder if Biden will demand praise and congrats on his huge election victory in 2020 from the Florida governor. He’s have to be a real scumbag to do something like that

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