‘This is not normal’: Internet erupts as Trump blames illegal immigration for fly on stage

‘This is not normal’: Internet erupts as Trump blames illegal immigration for fly on stage


Posted by Advanced_Drink_8536

  1. Was there even a fly there? If not someone screwed up his drug dosage. If there was flys are attracted to shit so someone didn’t change his diaper

  2. >Body language analyst Dr. Jack Brown said, “Insects on his brain. Synapses diminishing… Prefrontal cortex plunging.”

  3. Man he is petty and smalllll 😂

    Biden made a joke on the view about swatting trump like a fly a couple of days ago. So of course he has to talk about a fly.

    Old lunatic can’t even come up with his own material anymore.

  4. Fuck – I thought the Onion article was real news and this article was a satire article. The modders for this universe need to do a factory reset

  5. I think this was a deliberate act to dehumanize immigrants even further — they are like flies, they are like insects…


    thats what he’s saying


    In 2016, a fly landed on Hillary’s face during one of the debates

    In 2020, a fly landed on Mike Pence’s head during a debate, and *I’m pretty sure it fucking died there.*


    There was a somewhat widely publicized instance of this this year too; in August, a fly landed directly on Trump’s face during a rally, and just like… Decided to hang out there for a while, so I’m really hoping the trend continues. In my head, this was the fly coming back for another round to try to really hammer the point home.

  7. I think my general feeling is one of suppressed glee. On this trajectory, Trump will crater, auger into some beanfield rally, start howling at the moon and trying to hump a nearby woman while simultaneously drooling and frothing at the mouth. And his supporters will blame the Dems for it, or Antifa, or illegals, or all of those. I dearly hope that transfigurational moment will happen on, say, November 1st. Too late to change the ballots, too late to replace the nutjob, but plenty of time to make sure the blue Tsunami will wipe the sorry GOP from the face of the Earth.

  8. How about poor Ohio? He made OHIO WORSE- PEOPLE!! They did not deserve that. and still no apology- no redaction- no accountability. not presidential at all.

  9. I dont want disrespect anyone but that dude blame on inmigrant so much . I have people that work for me inmigrant that work so hard. And they dont complain x running the extra mile whem i ask . Why he is obsses.

  10. He’s using stimulants, without a prescription – or without following the prescribed dose.

    He’s just plain nuts.

    So are his incredibly weird followers.

    Republicans mastered rabble-rousing but now they have the rabble coming after them.

    Trump’s been a Russian asset for decades.

    He’s living proof about the fictional James Bond / and the reality we learned from the Church Committee CIA hearings. If we had extrajudicial licenses to kill foreign threats to our national security Trump would have been gone decades ago. Instead we have Maxwell Smart attempting to cause Castro’s beard to fall out.

  11. Welll one thing for sure is that there probably weren’t a lot of illegal immigrants in that crowd 

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