EU fund to stem migration from Africa ‘fails to address risks’ – watchdog • The €5bn fund ignores the threat of human rights abusers receiving EU money, says European court of auditors

EU fund to stem migration from Africa ‘fails to address risks’ – watchdog • The €5bn fund ignores the threat of human rights abusers receiving EU money, says European court of auditors

Posted by Naurgul

1 comment
  1. Throwing money at a problem and hoping for it to go away has never worked, never works and never will work.

    Of course the money is gobbled up by the people in power and by gang lords. Anyone with half a brain can predict this.

    Furthermore: This is not fixable. Climate change and over population together with falling crop yields will get Africans to move. And the only way they can move is North to Europe.

    All the money that has flown into Africa in the past century has only exacerbated the problem: Too many people who can not feed themselves without outside help.

    This is not going to get better. This is going to get worse. Fast.

    Europeans will have to chose between letting Africans in and violently keeping them out. Sorry. Very bad situation, no solution.

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