Russland, die Türkei, die Hamas und andere verurteilen die Ermordung des Terrorchefs Nasrallah durch Israel

Russland, die Türkei, die Hamas und andere verurteilen die Ermordung des Terrorchefs Nasrallah durch Israel

  1. Fuck Russia, Turkey, Hamas and “others,” and congratulations to Israel for a tremendous military victory. Obviously, the IDF intelligence network is incredible.

  2. LoL not surprising since they have similarities like having dictatorial leaders, suppress people’s rights, kill innocent civilians and etc….

  3. If those are the parties “*blasting*” you for something you did, then you know you did something good for the world.

  4. Yeah how dare they kill the head of a terrorist group. It’s genocide!! Terrorists are a people!!

  5. If Russia, Turkey, and Hamas are pissed, there’s a good chance you did something right and that it hurt terror efforts across the globe.

  6. >Among those expressing outrage at Israel’s actions were Hamas, Turkey, Russia, Yemen’s Houthis and Iraq.

    This is how you know israel did the right thing.

  7. Good, that’s how you know what countries and groups are trash. As if you needed to know that about Russia or Ham ass. The Turkish government should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. Social media has truly become a bane of society. Maybe a decade or 2 decades ago, people everywhere would be rejoicing.

    Nowadays, these naive kids getting brainwashed so hard into thinking killing a terror chief was a very bad thing Israel had done, and they shouldn’t have done it.

    The so called “brainrot” has fully taken effect. Fuck terror states and to hell with all of them. Good riddance and well done Israel.

  9. turkey can condemn israel all they want but they can’t stop sending in jet fuel and gunpowder because they’re bankrupt lmao.

    source: my turkish ass

  10. “Lebanon and the Lebanese people are the latest target of a policy of genocide, occupation and invasion carried out by Israel since October 7,” Erdogan wrote on X, without directly referring to Nasrallah’s death.” I can’t believe the Israelis would dare attack Hezbollah like this for peacefully standing with the Palestinian people, its not like Hezbollah has been launching rockets into Israel every day since October 7th. Oh wait. And of course, for form’s sake, how dare Israel defend itself!

  11. ~~Gaddafi~~


    ~~Bin Laden~~



    **YOU ARE HERE <<<——**







  12. The killing of Nasrallah was one of the most satisfying news events that I’ve experienced in awhile. Frankly the last 2 weeks of Israel’s war against Hezbollah has been wonderful. Watching day after day the decimation they’ve brought to Hezbollah has been amazing. Culminating with this. The only thing I can think of now that would top it would be a massive strike on the Iranian regime. But I doubt that will happen. Israel is doing the Wests dirty work day after day, getting ripped apart in the press, but you know behind closed doors world leaders wish they could be as badass as Israel.

  13. How hard can it possibly be to just *stop* targeting and killing innocent civilians? Like yeah Israel has been acting like a piece of shit but it doesn’t matter because your credibility ends when you resort to terrorism.

    I just can’t wrap my head around how these countless militant Islamist groups never take a moment to consider that this behavior might not be an effective way of gaining any sort of progress

  14. Erdogan blast Iseael for it, not Turkey. The guy with rigged elections is minority now. Most of us hates Erdogan and Hamas. I think same could go for Russia. We are countries ruled by Dictatorship. We have no right to choose, and people are too scared to protest. But we don’t like and support Erdogan as Turkish people

  15. They killed the top brass of Hisbollah withing 2 weeks without setting a foot Beirut, without raping women’s and setting babies alive on fire just for the fun of it – that’s an acceptable good result…

    And it’s a result of which Russia can only dream if after their 2 years kngaoin 3 day operation

  16. If Putin, Assad, Erdogan and Iran condemn you, youre doing ok.

    Too bad so many westren woke movments are aligning themselves with them, for the sole purpose of being against anything Israel does.

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