China warns at UN against expanding battlefield in Russia-Ukraine war

China warns at UN against expanding battlefield in Russia-Ukraine war

by Orcasystems99

  1. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Saturday warned against escalating the battlefield in Russia’s war with Ukraine. He stated that the Chinese government remains committed to shuttle diplomacy and efforts to bring an end to the conflict, according to AP.

    “The top priority is to commit to no expansion of the battlefield. … China is committed to playing a constructive role,” Wang Yi said at the UN General Assembly’s annual meeting of leaders.

    He cautioned other countries against “throwing oil on the fire or exploiting the situation for selfish gains.”

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken [expressed strong concern regarding China’s support for Russia’s defense industry]( during talks with Wang Yi on Friday. Blinken stated that Beijing’s discussions about peace in Ukraine make no sense because China allows its companies to engage in activities that help Putin continue his aggression.

    The Times reported that [Western officials believe they have evidence]( of secret arms shipments from China to Russia.

  2. But more than happy for Russia to expand the battlefield further into Ukraine….. 🤷‍♂️

  3. Perhaps he could draw a red line. They must work for Putin. If they didn’t work, why would he keep drawing them?

  4. All of Russia became part of the battlefield when they invaded Ukraine. Nothing has changed or expanded recently

  5. Why are all the 80s + 90s tropes from my childhood about china and Russia = bad / western democracy = good coming true? Man fuck china. Fuck Russia. Fuck Iran. Fuck maga. Long live Ukraine. Long live western democracy. Cheers + Happy Friday.

  6. There is no expansion. It’s aRussian-Ukrainian war which means the fight can be on Ukrainian AND Russian territory. Simple logic. All he is saying: “We don’t want Putin to lose, so back off west”.

  7. then maybe China should not support the aggressor 👍🏻
    Fuck russia and it’s supporters – that’s all there is too say..
    Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

  8. “China’s final warning” is an expression in Russian meaning a warning without substance or credibility. See also Russian Nuclear Threat

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