New footage of Hassan Nasrallah elimination site

New footage of Hassan Nasrallah elimination site

by vladikdx

  1. Hezbollah really puts innocents between them and the airstrikes. There was a children’s nursery listed as one of the businesses in one of the apartment buildings

  2. Fitting, him dying in a hole in the ground, like the Rat he was.

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer terrorist….

  3. It’s reported Israel used 5,000 pound bunker buster bombs to carry out this strike.

    The United States has a 30,000 pound bunker buster bomb. Israel doesn’t use it because they don’t have an aircraft capable of delivering it. The United States has the B-2.

  4. now i understand why they were a little late in calling the death in. they had trouble finding anything

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