Local “influencer” is trying to get users on this sub banned for not liking his business adverts

Local “influencer” is trying to get users on this sub banned for not liking his business adverts

by BelfastTelegraph

  1. FYI I have also raised this with our UK community admin to establish what rule exactly was broken, as we’re very careful to only allow information that Darren has made publicly available through his online social media or companies house registrations.

  2. To be honest hadn’t heard about him before I started getting flooded on YouTube with his adverts. Eventually got so bad [I made a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/northernireland/comments/1flp589/removed_by_reddit/) to see if anyone else was having the same issue. A lot of users were very critical of his business practices and clearly he didn’t take well to this so has abused the reddit report feature to try and get me banned for negatively discussing his business. It’s laughable that reddit would consider posting a publicly available advert of a business as being doxing, its not private information if you’ve plastered it all over YouTube.

    You should be able to openly discuss businesses on reddit without fearing permabans. Fuck the whole sub would be gone tomorrow if CoolFM started using the report feature for everyone laughing at them.

    I’ve submitted an appeal, but wouldn’t be surprised if he managed to get me banned off the site for daring to highlight this abuse of the reddit report function.

  3. As if him doing this is going to make anyone here think of him in a better light. The man is a dickhead.

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