Hollywood’s big boom has gone bust

Hollywood’s big boom has gone bust


by diacewrb

  1. >**Unemployment in film and TV in the United States was at 12.5% in August, but many think those numbers are actually much higher**, because many film workers either do not file for unemployment benefits because they’re not eligible or they’ve exhausted those benefits after months of not working.
    >As a whole, **the number of US productions during the second quarter of 2024 was down about 40% compared to the same period in 2022.** Globally, there was a 20% decline over that period, according to ProdPro, external, which tracks TV and film productions.

  2. The golden age of streaming imo is over. Shows are getting shorter episode counts with higher cancellation rates and services are realizing they can raise the price and reduce the quality and maintain similar profitability. This is an example of they did it to themselves situation.

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