Gen Z Think They’re Underpaid in the Workforce

Gen Z Think They’re Underpaid in the Workforce

by FUSeekMe69

  1. Wasn’t there an article just this week about how colossally unprepared Gen-Z is for the workplace and how employers are firing them quickly now instead of trying to train them, and also becoming skeptical of hiring new college grads?

    Totally tracks that those Gen-Z would feel put upon and underpaid. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)

  2. Not underpaid. The inflation and increased government spending along with foreign nationals buying American real estate is ruining the economy.

    In laymen terms. Too much demand and not enough supply. (And no, government can’t fix either demand or supply issues.)

  3. They are.

    We’ve been through multiple Wall Street induced market crashes.

    Every time they do one of them they lower the starting pay for younger workers.

    That starting pay never goes up. Employers take advantage of the lack of bargaining power to pay younger workers less no matter what. Using “experience” as an excuse.

    So my kid is making about the same as their grandparents did in the same field, but with more education. Also modern college has a *lot* of on the job training, so they don’t even have the experience excuse.

    Kids know what they need (unions) but they boomers won’t let them have it, so they’re biding their time, waiting for the older generations to get out of the way so they can fix the mess they’ve been left.

  4. Every Gen Z I’ve hired has been under paid in their mind. Even had one who thought he was making minimum wage but was literally so lazy he hadn’t checked his pay stubs to see he’d been making 20/hr for the last 5 months. I’ve had only one who has been competent and seeks to learn, the rest want to be paid like a seasoned foreman after 2 weeks experience. 

  5. Gen Z is catching an upswing in employer/employee relationship. There have been numerous articles/statistics showing salaries have outpaced inflation (by a few percent). Gen Z also came into the work force with the hybrid/WFH policies and never really had to deal with the 5 day mandatory (obvious exceptions exist).

    I am not saying everything is glorious but Gen Z is probably receiving the best work force compensation since baby boomers.

    Millennials have been outright fucked throughout their entire professional life and Gen X tail end got royally fucked up in 08 then COVID destroying their retirement.

    As a more senior millennial in my office watching Gen Z kids come in is astonishing. Low quality work, a lot of pushing for full remote even though their work needs insane review/oversight. Bad (or no) communication on delays in their deliveries. The list goes on

    I think Gen Z needs to take a gigantic step back and reevaluate. Of course things could be better however the generation also can do a lot more or at least try to improve.

    Now being on the downvotes since I’m now an older person in relation to Reddit.

  6. There have been hard times and problems for EVERY generation. We all get dealt a certain deck of cards and then need to work with them. Whining about one’s economic and financial reality will not help, though I see a lot of that. Those who apply themselves and work hard (like every generation) still do well. Those who think the world owes them something and blame others for their own shortcomings are not doing well. Go figure…

  7. Be careful. The more you make the more a layoff target is on your back when your company decides to start cost cutting

  8. Tough one to answer here. On one hand I do think there should be less wage disparity between management and rest of the work force, and funneling all profits to investors is very short sighted. So in that sense I think yes employees could be paid more.

    On the other hand, labor is a supply and with so many people in the world and the information available on the internet, there is much more competition for every job. So if an employer can just go find someone else with the same skills for cheaper, they are going to do that, which is the right thing to do from a supply and demand standpoint

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