A tragic tale, told through the medium of three unopened bags of mixed veg, from the co-op five quid deal, that I found in the bottom of my freezer

A tragic tale, told through the medium of three unopened bags of mixed veg, from the co-op five quid deal, that I found in the bottom of my freezer

by MrFeatherstonehaugh

  1. The weight of each bag is the same, at least, so it’s just plain old inflation rather than shrinkflation

  2. See, this is why you should never fall for those offers. Three unopened bags of mixed veg, taking up space that could have been occupied by ice cream.

  3. As others have said, the weight is the same and the price increases with inflation. Looks like this just tracks the emphasis we’ve put on reducing wasted packaging over the years.

  4. We need dates to put it into context otherwise the post is rather meaningless. We all know prices go up. It’s the time span that’s important.

    If it was 15 years between the first bag and the last then “Meh!”

    If was one week between the first and the Last bag then “Holy F@ck!”

  5. These are the worst part of the “for £5” frozen deal. The rest can be good value. I tend to take them to the till to be scanned then put them back in Co op freezer where they belong. 

  6. Those mixed bags give vegetables a bad name. Maybe it’s the way I’ve been used to having them. Either at school or similar establishments boiled to fuck and then served from a trough

  7. Probably worth a lot more now. You’re sitting on a gold mine. Congratulations on your sound investment strategy.

  8. This made me laugh because it’s a similar story for us! Blitz them to smithereens with some tinned tomatoes, and make a massive lasagne/spag Bol/chilli… you’ll never know they were there!

  9. For me, it’s bags of onion rings.

    There are only so many onion rings you can eat, and the quantity is distortional to the rest of the food in the deal.

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