Russian Telegram channels report that an ammunition arsenal of the main directorate of missile and artillery armament of the Russian defense ministry was attacked in Kotluban. There is information that some number of Iranian ballistic misiles as well as their launchers was stored there.

Russian Telegram channels report that an ammunition arsenal of the main directorate of missile and artillery armament of the Russian defense ministry was attacked in Kotluban.
There is information that some number of Iranian ballistic misiles as well as their launchers was stored there.

by BigDeckBob

  1. That should extend the life of some lucky Ukrainians by a few days. Only a few dozen Shahed arsenals to go. If only there were some way to hack the software so that once launched, they flew back to the launch site, as soon as they had a good GPS fix.

  2. Relax, Russia destroyed the drones and debris fell … that’s all! Expensive Air Defense approach but I do like it! All as planned !

  3. Ukraine is getting pretty good at this! Imagine if we just allowed them permission to use cluster variant ATACMS deep into Russia one year ago…! But necessity is the mother of all invention. Well done!

  4. There’s a lot of stuff burning in the mighty ruZZian federation tonight. The sound of the “flying lawnmowers” is filling the air.

  5. Russia really needs to get their emissions under control. They should just disassemble all their ammunition so they don’t get blown up.

  6. This whole wording war is weird. They are ukranian javelin missiles. But these are ianian ballistic missiles. They are ukranian bradleys but they are iranian shahed drones. Those are cope cages when put on russian tanks but are anti drone turret cages when ukranians use them.

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