Maternity pay is ‘excessive’, says Tory leadership hopeful Kemi Badenoch

Maternity pay is ‘excessive’, says Tory leadership hopeful Kemi Badenoch

by potpan0

  1. This is right-wing politics in a nutshell really. They’ll whine until the sun goes down that there are too many immigrants and foreigners in the UK and that we need to bring this down… but then they’ll also advocate to make it more difficult for people in the UK to have children themselves.

    Just a completely incoherent ideology, based almost entirely around making things for difficult for everyone other than yourself. Though I assume this won’t get half as much attention as her pandering comments about the value of different cultures.

  2. >Badenoch replied: “We need to have more personal responsibility. There was a time when there wasn’t any maternity pay and people were having more babies.”

    You mean back in the day when employers could discriminate against women, meaning women couldn’t get jobs and effectively be forced to have children and take care of them? If she wants to give up maternity pay in exchange for more oppression of women, then she should said that out loud.

  3. >But statutory maternity pay is a function of tax, tax comes from people who are working. We’re taking from one group of people and giving to another. This, in my view, is excessive.

    So pensions next? Easily fits in with her ‘reasoning’.

  4. Lol it’s like she doesn’t understand that if the people she’s leaning into had any choice, she wouldn’t even have any rights at all.

    Maternity pay, and parental support in this country is shamefully slim.

  5. Yes, what we really need is to get that birth rate down! We are being beaten by Korea and Japan, this isn’t acceptable, Britain must be number 1!!!!

  6. The political landscape is now a clock face in which all roads lead in circles. Business and lobbies run the west and the only thing they care about is paying the cheapest possible rate for labour.

  7. Ah yes. Let’s “save money” by not investing in the future of the country and then complain that birth rates are too low

  8. She’s awful and I don’t know why she’s considered a party frontrunner. I don’t mean awful in the sense of her politics – but intellectually incoherent.

    It’s fine to reduce immigration, but demographically you can’t then have a policy that would disincentive people having more kids. That’s a 1 way ticket to having South Korea’s birth rate.

  9. so she resigned from her job when pregnanther husband being an investment banker likely made that decision easy.

    Not a fucking clue.

  10. They hate: Immigrants, Nhs workers, Civil servants, Mothers (both single and married, working or SAHM), Poor people, Young people, The Disabled, Govt workers.

    Isn’t that like most of the population now? Why do they even want to be in power if they dislike everyone and everything about this country? 

  11. The Conservatives spent 14 years governing the country but not for the benefit of the vast majority of the people who live in it. I’m consistently amazed just how many people never got this.

  12. I guess they’ve run out of foreigners and disabled to blame and now it’s*checks notes* working mothers who are the problem

  13. Excellent. Let’s punish women *even more* for having the children of men.

    Maternity pay could still be better, as could maternity leave. There are other countries that have much more respect for the impact of childbirth and child rearing on women.

    But (and I say this as a woman), what I really want is vastly increased paternity leave and proper maternity pay for men.

    Paternity and maternity rights are rights that impact everyone, no matter what gender you are. Even if you don’t have, don’t want or can’t have children – knowing that you or your family and friends safely have the option is incredibly important for our stability.

  14. I’m sorry but sod off Kemi Badenoch. Maternity pay is not excessive, especially when you only get statutory!! Try living off 600 quid a month and get back to me.

  15. So money for millionaire pensioners is okay but money for new mothers is too much? It’s literally so blatant.

  16. So are nursery fees , so are food prices. Anything pro business and con everyday person for these frauds

  17. > She is married to Hamish Badenoch; they have two daughters and a son.

    From Wikipedia, just in case anyone else wondered. I’m sure being the honourable lady that she is, she refused to take any excessive maternity pay when her children were born.

  18. This is what happens when your focus groups consist of, the over 60s, rich people who can afford to have a stay at home parent / au pair and far right libertarians. Thankfully if she wins the leadership election she’ll be so unpopular she’ll lose the next GE.

  19. The right wing agenda:

    – Enormous financial bungs to those over 67, rising faster than inflation or wages even as the number of people over 67 rises sharply

    – Make it harder for anyone to have children

    – Oppose immigration from working age immigrants

    You can’t do all of these things at once without things collapsing entirely. Who the fucking hell do they expect to work to produce goods and services for their elderly voter base in the future?

  20. Why the hell does anyone listen to anything this crazy woman says?

    She clearly hates everyone and everything that isn’t a rich white British male.

  21. So let us see. [UK total fertility rate was 1.49 in 2022](, is probably lower now. So the mighty mind of Kemi Badenoch comes up with an idea: maternity pay is too high, let us lower it to discourage women from having children *even more*. That will be good, won’t it? What will happen to pension schemes, care for the elderly, that sort of thing when the demographic collapse this will cause really gets going? Oh well, that sort of trivial consideraton is beneath the great intellect of Kemi Badenoch.

    How does someone *so stupid* get to this position?

  22. Why is anyone entertaining this psychopath??? She never should have got anywhere near this level with the heinous views.

  23. Protect woman’s spaces but if you have kids well fuck off. Almost as if women’s rights were simply used to further political gains.

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