Outrage as Dems name and shame companies prioritizing exec pay over taxes

Outrage as Dems name and shame companies prioritizing exec pay over taxes


Posted by welding-guy74

  1. Outrage? Let’s see some legislation. Your job is to legislate. Limit executive pay to a certain ratio of employee wages. All employees of a company should experience some degree of the company’s success. This current state of affairs treats employees as disposable. It’s gone on far too long. A corporation is a human contract, not a commandment from a supreme being.

  2. it’s the government’s responsibility to hold companies to the law.

    They need to do their jobs and stop taking corporate bribes and we voters need to be more militant about who our elected officials are and what they are doing.

  3. Incredible Musk is taking incentives for green energy with rebates and funding from democrat policies while dissing them on Twitter everyday. Talk about a ungrateful POS.

  4. The price of doing business in the United Staets should include paying into the system that allows you do to business in the United States.

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