The one thing I get weirdly nationalistic about

I've had enough of my English, French and American colleagues giving me grief over this.

by Dooby-Dooby-Doo

  1. It annoys me when people go ughhh haggis for this “reason” … and im not even scottish.

  2. Agreed. My wife is English and complains every time I eat it, yet she drowns cheese on toast with Worcester sauce.

  3. “McDonalds” is not strictly true as it depends what you’re ordering. The beef patties for eg are from the cattle you see roaming about in the uk and irish countryside and it the exact same cow as you would get beef from in a butcher.

    Everything else on a burger is bad though; sauces, bread, dehydrated onion etc   

  4. There’s little in haggis besides the stomach lining that’s ‘disgusting’. At least it’s real meat.

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