Parents were clearing out their loft and I found my old MiniDisc recorder on its way to the dump – thought it had been lost years ago! It still works, too so think I’ll buy a new battery and use it for vintage music when I’m on the move.

Just reading up now to see if it's possible to revive the original NiCd battery.

by kinglitecycles

  1. I had about 4 of these in my time. My dad worked at an Argos warehouse and anything that didn’t sell went in the staff shop at the end of each season so I got them for about 30 quid each. Absolutely loved them. Had a load of see-through coloured discs that were my favourite.

  2. Loved my MiniDisc player, was far superior than CD. Found my old one recently as well but haven’t tried to charge it.

  3. You’re so lucky that it works. I had so many minidiscs full of stuff including old band recordings but my player just doesn’t fire up any more 😔

  4. I used to plug mine into a Sky TV box and then record my favourite radio programs digitally, there was nothing else out there like it!

  5. It’s not possible to revive a battery that old. *But* you can buy replacements.

    Looks like your parents have/had good taste in music, at least.

  6. I was literally talking about my minidiscs earlier!

    I was saying how I had to use a line in to record onto it via my PC so even now when I listen to certain songs I automatically do the MSN chat message noise because that’s how I remember the song being on my minidiscs

  7. Japanese tech always lasts. i’ve got an original gameboy that still works and plays the game that is in it, castlevania from 1991.

  8. I saw a spice girls minidisc sell for over a hundred quid recently. They are super collectable

  9. I remember trading my MP3 player at school for a mini disk player. I thought i got the better deal at the time.

  10. I used to use my PS2 and an optical cable to record tracks from cd’s to minidisc those where the days 💯

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