Slapped this sticker on a MAGA car in my neighborhood a few days ago. No one has removed it yet

Slapped this sticker on a MAGA car in my neighborhood a few days ago. No one has removed it yet

Posted by silverfishimperatrix

  1. They’re probably like “YAY! Free sticker!”

    Low IQ people showing how low their IQ truly is. 🤬

  2. Messing with other people’s stuff is a good way to get into trouble you can’t get out of.

  3. Just FYI, project 2025 is a 900 page document which tells us that the GOP plans to take power, and hold it forever. We’ll never really be a democracy again, and well end u unbalancing the gov so that the executive branch has more authority than any other. In the first 30 pages it tells us that all Non-Elected officials should take a test to see how much they like the President, and that anyone who doesn’t like the president should be removed and replaced with a non-expert who just happens to love Trump. And yes, the entire document was written with Trump in mind.

    If we lose this election, Project 2025 would be the end of fair/free elections, and would turn our Federal gov into the world’s biggest mess.

  4. By… by vandalizing other people’s property, you are genuinely increasing support for Project 2025. Do you have no common sense?

  5. Trump can claim all he wants that he doesn’t know what project 2025 is, but the republican party and the Heritage Foundation have a long history together. They work hand in hand when it comes to party platforms, policy, and political appointments. The Heritage Foundation is the think tank and information hub of the republican party. 200 of the 2025 authors even worked in the Trump administration. Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance, wrote the forward to the Project 2025 leader’s book.

    The leader of the project said the plan is itself Trumpism and will be implemented on day 1 of his presidency and that they have been working with the Trump campaign very closely. They said they have thousands of people picked and ready to staff the Trump administration once he retakes power. The leader of the project also admitted in an interview that Trump is only distancing himself from the project due to the negative optics of it, not because he disagrees with the platform.

    Trump recently spoke at a heritage foundation convention thanking the foundations for their policy work and how he looks forward to advancing the “movement”. At this same convention the authors spoke about implementing the project into the next Trump administration and how they want Trump to have all of the credit.

    When Trump says he knows nothing about Project 2025, he is lying. And are we really surprised? He lied 30,000 times in 4 years when he was president. Yes, 30k. Real number.

  6. The fact that Project 2025 mentions “Trump” more than 250 times is just a mere coincidence — a mere bagatelle (a thing of no importance — Alexa had to explain it to me)!

  7. Not cool op.. that’s how things escalate .. put yourself in their’d be pissed if somebody did that to your property.. people are unhinged nowadays.. innocent people getting shot for turning around in front of houses.. don’t give them a reason to retaliate

  8. I haven’t seen the back of my car since I bought it, haven’t seen my own actual ass more than twice. It’s always the most obvious place if you wanna hide.

  9. Don’t do that. Don’t vandalize other people’s property. It’s not a good look for you or the causes you are representing.

  10. Seeing as the MAGAs like the whole, ”telling it like it is“, thing; you could have just put “I’m a brainwashed, unintelligent cunt” on the sticker.

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