Me when watching every single election in europe

Me when watching every single election in europe

by PizzaLikerFan

  1. From an Austrian experience, this meme forgot:

    – Let climate change magically disappear (it’s a hoax anyway)
    – Let Covid disappear (it’s a conspiracy from ~~Bill Gates~~ ~~the Jews~~ someone anyway)
    – The SS wasn’t so bad tbh. Let’s honour them. Better safe than sorry

    Russia is cool BTW

  2. The rise of extremist parties is the consequence of failures by previous governments of not solving endemic issues like poverty and inequality. It irritates me to see politicians ignore certain regions because they vote one way and to treat the people living there for fools because they can rely on them voting for them every 4 years.

  3. Do it the Danish way, where the left adopted a critical stance on immigration, and boom, far right now has zero votes

  4. Let’s be honest, even if the government did magically solve every single aspect of the immigration crisis, populists don’t give two shits, they’ll just latch onto another excuse to vote nazis into office

  5. You all are so far down the rabbit hole that the idea that immigrants are not even close to the most important issue is actually unfathomable to you guys. Can’t really argue at that point lmao.

    Y’all sheep.

  6. And the media always acting surprised like they didn’t see it coming. And instead of self reflection they blame the voters and call them uninformed

  7. They’d just jump to the next topic. If you want them not to vote far right, let them not *care* about a few more migrants by giving the people better public services, lower rent and secure pensions.

  8. “Refugees welcome!”

    Total count of refugees housed by the sign holders during protests: 0.

  9. Turns out that when you label certain discourse a “pseudo-debate” people won’t just magically go “oh, ok 😇” and drop the subject

  10. Utter bullshit. Every time governments try to give in “just a little bit” to far-right policies and narratives they just become more powerful.

  11. I would add also: do something for the middle class crisis and unemployment that is not moving even more factories in China.

  12. All parties from left to right have made immigration *the* topic, but yall sheeps can’t admit you thought of it just because they speak of it all the time, and you’re asking for more.

  13. No, media and everyone should just stop talking about immigration every fucking day when all people want is a decent life (housing, decent food and a future for their children).

  14. Are you ok? 
    All parties in Germany are adopting afd talking points and policies and the afd is just growing 

  15. A lot is being done, but that doesnt matter to populists and their followers.

    the non-far right could try harder to communicate better whats already being done, but the far right also would have to listen and understand things, which is kinda hard for them and not their thing. they WANT the fear to get votes. thats how populism works.

    in their minds, everyone else besides them wants “unregulated” migration, which is total BS.

    Especially the left wants better regulations, but without the racism and discrimination parts.

    The ones that want “unregulated” migration are some weird far leftist utopists that are not in touch with reality and in no way representative for the left or any major political party.

  16. So fucking true. I was born into a family of rightwing voters, I can tell you with confidence that all most of these people want is for the government to slow down immigration and for them to try and put a stop to illegal immigration

  17. So, to paraphrase: “if you want to stop the far right from growing, let the far right get exactly what they want, defeating the whole purpose of stopping the far right from growing”? I’m sure we can similarly stop Russia from waging war in Ukraine by giving Ukraine to Russia.

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