Recent Footage of Israeli Jet Bombings in Gaza

Recent Footage of Israeli Jet Bombings in Gaza

by sinaheidari

  1. That is some amazing camera work! Every single explosion was caught perfectly centered on a steady camera! Kudos to the people of Gazywood. Nobody else could do camera work like that! Nobody!

  2. Jet bombings!?! Why that’s just over the line, using jets with their precision munitions. So glad that they informed me it was a jet so I knew that I should be 50% more morally outraged than if it was a prop plane.

  3. If you announce these strikes, what targets of importance are still there except the building?

  4. What is amazing is the precision strike at the base of the building. More than likely for several reasons including dropping the building, and the bomb hitting at an angle to penetrate under the building foundation to take out hidden underground bunkers. Which is the creme de la creme of precision munitions use. Notice how the buildings just drop down suddenly, indicating that a large void under the building has suddenly become even larger thanks to the freedom encased munition that precisely targeted the hidden command center under the residential civilian building. Even if you survive the initial blast, the weight of the building coming down on your head guarantees a slow painful death with little hope of rescue.

    I give it a 10/10 for effectiveness.

  5. There will be peace when the enemy fears us more than they hate us, looks like Israel has been handing out a lout of fear the last few weeks.

  6. These are not recent. I remember some from almost a year ago. Very few places in Gaza still have neighborhoods standing..

  7. It’s said over 50,000 Palestinians have died since last October in retaliation to the terror attacks in Israel. Many women and children. Crazy AF. Just back to back war crimes.

  8. Wikipedia says the IDF has dropped more than 70k tons of bombs on Gaza since 10/7. I’ve checked the source that is linked in the article and it’s just some Swiss NGO that posted an article full of unsourced and unsubstantiated claims. Unfortunately, since the IDF is notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to quantifiable facts about their actions, there doesn’t seem to be any source that can provide a substantiated estimate. Does anyone here have an idea where one could find verifiable data about that topic? 70k tons feels like way too much.

  9. not to be like that, but did the people in the second video know it was coming? why did they have the camera set up on the ground like that facing the building?

  10. Imagine getting warned that some Spacelaser Nation Chad Jet gonna level building XYZ in the next 20minutes and all you do is stand close by and try to catch some shrapnel. 5head

    On the other it shows you how much they “trust” the precision of the IAF. They “know” that the bomb will hit that building and not something close by.

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