Personen, die „Vom Fluss zum Meer“ posten, wird die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft verweigert

Personen, die „Vom Fluss zum Meer“ posten, wird die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft verweigert

  1. From the article:

    # Individuals who post ‘From the River to the Sea’ to be denied German citizenship

    # The use of maps in which the territory of the State of Israel is replaced with the colors of the Palestinian flag is also in contravention of the law.

    Individuals who posted ‘From the River to the Sea’ on social media will be denied[ German citizenship](, according to stipulations in the new citizenship law, as cited by German channel NDR (North German Radio and Television) and the Federal Interior Ministry this week.

    People who are employed in Germany can work to obtain citizenship after five years, compared to the eight years previously required in the law. While the law came to pass on June 27 of this year, the requirements have been tightened, especially regarding “Racism, [antisemitism]( or any other form of misanthropy rule out naturalization,” according to the German Federal Ministry of the Interior.

  2. Read somewhere that the Arabic version is “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab”.

    Not even trying to hide the call for genocide in it.

  3. Not surprising at all. Germany doesn’t play around. If you advocate for genocide, your values are incompatible and their society doesn’t want you.

  4. usually when you chant a genocidal thing associated with major terror groups nice countries like germany don’t want anything to do with you.

  5. Don’t post political statements if you want to go to a country that will insist on viewing social media history.

  6. its funny but i found one peach activst change the second stanza to

    “Peace will set us free” which you know avoids all the unfortuante implications. and well still has the pleasent rhyminig scheme.

  7. Since the meaning is “Palestine will be free of Jews”, I can understand modern Germany not accepting calls for Judenrein

  8. It almost seems like Germany knows a thing or two about propaganda campaigns that slowly turn people against Jews, idk though I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting 

  9. I was at a chick’s house and they had a protest sign with this slogan on it behind their couch.

    And part of me was like, “okay, I’m pretty sure I know what that means, but does _she_ know what it means? And is it better or worse if she doesn’t?”

    I didn’t go back again.

  10. Good, chanting stuff that implies you will wipe out a people group in an area should be frowned upon.

  11. Good. People who shout slogans about genociding the jew shouldn’t be allowed in countries like Germany.

  12. I think a lot of people don’t understand that this phrase is only translated the “Palestine will be free” because it rhymes and sounds neat. The actual chant literally translates to “from the river to the sea Palestine will be Arab” which is much more indicative of what they mean when they say it. It’s not about the freedom of Palestine, it’s about the annihilation of non-arab states. 

  13. ‘All we want is for Israel to be destroyed and all the Israeli Jews driven into the Diaspora. Is that so *wrong*?!’

  14. Genocide has no place anywhere, whatever the reason may be. Radical religious fanaticism should have no place in our society

  15. This is the logical next step in defending the ideals of liberalism and our democracies. While we are happy to accept anyone that can contribute productively and commit to upholding our ideals, there are beliefs that are simply incompatible with our values. There is zero demand for that, and thus zero need to import it from elsewhere.

    The challenge is going to be recognizing that as we make this clear, people will stop posting what they think as transparently as they have felt comfortable doing in the past. This is a good place to start though.

  16. Not sure how you can say from the river to the sea is a genocidal call when israel is actually in the process of trying to erase palestine and create an israeli state from the river to the sea. And they are bombing and killing palestinians while doing it. And stealing their homes and pushing them out of their land by supporting the settlers when they do it. Consistently do they just erase the westbank and gaza off their maps and portray the entire area as israel. But I guess you’d have to admit israel is committing genocide if you were consistent. And nobody on reddit is willing to do that

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