Can you be more donkey than this ?

by Suspicious_Range7981

  1. Does the parking not have cctv? Cops should be called, car plates traced and fined thousands of euros! Is that so hard to do in Cyprus? It’s not the politicians fault, it’s our fault for not protesting about it. Also instead of saying “this is Cyprus ” how about we focus on what we can do about it

  2. Petition to have official donkey /asshole ranks. Like S tier donkey to F tier donkey. Like F tier is the guy who honks at the orange light and S tier something like the guy who drives like a maniac while holding his phone and when you actually tell him off he flips and gets angry at you screaming “Νάμπου θέλεις; Φαουσα να φκαλεις ότι θέλω καμνω”

  3. I worked in restaurants in Cyprus. I am ashamed to admit that there are a lot of them outside raising kids to be like their ilk

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