Woman, 96, sentenced for causing death by dangerous driving

Woman, 96, sentenced for causing death by dangerous driving


by BoringOfficeJob

  1. >**”A 96-year-old has been given a suspended prison sentence after pleading guilty to causing the death of a woman by dangerous driving.**”

  2. Yup, if you want to kill someone, use a car.

    You’ll only get 18 months for it. (Suspended in this case because a 96 year old doesn’t have any business in prison)

  3. I think over 70s need to do driving tests every 5-10 years. And maybe after 75/80 they need to say every 2-3 years. The law needs to be changed. I just don’t think this woman should have been on the road in the first place, the test would have made sure of it.

    Edit: as a qualified driving instructor myself I know that there’s a massive backlog of tests since the pandemic (cancelled tests and staffing constraints), also given how long legislation such as this can take to pass feasibility is low for the time being.

  4. Ah yes. Yet another instance of some batty old twat killing someone and getting away with it. Nothing will change either.

  5. I’m not reading anything about a driving ban, whats to stop her from panicking and killing someone again?

  6. My mum and her sister had to be the ones to stop my gran from driving. She was 80 and playing bumper cars getting out of the car park at the place she was living.

    She fought them on it and it created some issues with their relationship because my gran felt she was having her independence unfairly taken away.

    There should absolutely be mandatory retesting every few years once people hit a certain age. My gran was going to kill someone and her kids very nearly didn’t follow through with making her stop due to the amount of bad blood it was creating.

  7. So, she hasn’t really been punished then? Someone has lost a family member and she’s just gotten away with it.

  8. I live in an area with a lot of old people. Little old ladies struggling to control massive SUVs, barely able tonsee over the steering wheel. Saw an old guy who probably had dementia plough his Land Rover into the tables outside a Costa Coffee, almost killing a bunch of people. Two guys had to get into the vehicle and wrestle him out of the car as he panic-drove along the pavement.

    In the case of dementia, it is up to the driver to report a diagnosis to the DVLA. It would make more sense if doctors were required to report to the DVLA. 

    Drivers over 70 should have to get yearly attention and memory tests from their doctor, and take bi-annual driving tests.

    It won’t happen though, because enough people equate cars with freedom that being denied driving is considered cruel, even if it means innocent pedestrians die unnecessarily.

    Great marketing job, car companies, you planet-destroying, murderous, ghoulish cunts.

  9. Very sad for the person who died of course sad for the woman too though doing this in what’s probably the last few years of her life. There should probably be a ban on drivers over 87 or something.

  10. As a cyclist I worry more about older driver than I do younger ones. I do feel it is time for some sort of retest for people, at least an eyesight test.

  11. In ireland in the mid 70s, there was such a backlog of applicants for driving licenses, they literally handed them out without any proof of having learnt to drive or showing any capability to drive.

    Consequently my mother thinks shes an excellent driver, while making a myriad of mistakes and errors when driving.

    When you hit 65, you should go and take an eye test and resist the driving theory exam and do an updated driving test.

    The same at 70,75, 80 etc

  12. Who the fuck is letting a 96 year old drive? Sorry if this sounds ageist but there should just be an age where people can’t get a license anymore.

  13. What if self-driving cars become better drivers than us? I mean, these things don’t have to be perfect, they just have to make less mistakes than humans.

  14. The wording from her solicitor is so odd, “the accelerator pedal fell down under her foot and she failed to react”? So what, there was a mechanical malfunction and she didn’t react? I doubt it and that was never mentioned.. So it didn’t fall down, she pressed it down. She didn’t fail to react, she failed to properly maintain control of the vehicle and just blasted her car onto the pavement hitting several elderly pedestrians, killing one.

  15. I know someone whose dad was killed by a pensioner. He was walking on the pavement and the elderly man lost control. I am glad to see many people suggesting mandatory training/tests after a certain age

  16. Pensioners really have it tough in the UK they have all these savings from working most of theirs lives in a booming economy and also get public transport free and get help with bills still now to add to it they can do pretty much anything they want and can now get away with it.

    Meanwhile mofos looking for work barely being able to afford to live get fuck all

    Gotta love this country.

  17. I’m thinking that a 5 year driving ban is kinda pointless given 1. the woman surrendered her driving license – and 2. her frailty – assuming the wheelchair isn’t for sympathy, and 3. well, she’s 96….

  18. I can kind of see why she got a suspended sentence. The woman is 96, it feels absolutely pointless putting her in prison.

    Shouldn’t be anywhere near a wheel though. That’s insane.

  19. It’s not sad, it’s fucking predictable. This woman should have been nowhere near a car, and yet she was just allowed to go about using one until she inevitably killed somebody.

    Why can’t we stop this? It’d be so easy to legislate for.

  20. A 96 year old should not be driving. I don’t know what the age of forbidden to drive / retest should be, but it is lower than 96.

    This person has not been punished.

  21. 70+ should be tested (not take the standard driving test) in some way every 3 years. Even if it’s just a quick 15min drive with someone scoring them in the car.

    80+ should be tested in the same way every year

    90+ really have no business driving

    It would also be a decent way to create some extra jobs of people conducting these tests.
    Not fully qualified driving instructors, but enough to be able to deem someone unfit to drive.

    With the aging populace of the UK we really should be looking more closing at the elderly.

    It’s the not the aggressive boy racer bwm who cuts me up and flips me off I fear.
    It’s 85 year old Dorris, who doesn’t even realize what she’s just done and drives away having nearly killed someone.

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