96-year-old woman spared prison after becoming oldest ever convicted of causing death by dangerous driving

96-year-old woman spared prison after becoming oldest ever convicted of causing death by dangerous driving


Posted by daily_mirror

  1. How do you reasonably prosecute a 96 year old? Prison time is a guaranteed death sentence, they’re too infirm to do community service, house arrest is unlikely to make much of a difference, and fines could financially cripple them if they’re living off their pension.

  2. Why isn’t there an age limit on driving? At that age unless you are the healthiest mf

    They are on high risk of heart attack, seizure, vision issues, blood pressure issues etc

    How about we introduce health checks and reaction times as part of the tests over a certain age?

  3. And if this was an 18yo boy people would be wanting a prison sentence. Justice is “supposed” to be blind. The victim here is still dead regardless of how sweet the driver is/was.
    We DO have a major problem with elderly people who are clearly unfit to drive still choosing to drive despite their ailments making them as safe as a youngster who has had ten pints.
    I say this as someone who has seen at least 5 elderly people cause death and or serious damage to property in the last 3 years just in my local town and in each case these people should have been nowhere near the steering wheel of any vehicle.

  4. ‘The elderly woman, who is to frail to walk more than a few yards’ …………….. but felt she was not to frail to belt in behind the wheel of a motorised weapon.

  5. About time mandatory testing came in for 70+. The amount of dangerous driving I’ve witnessed by coffin dodgers excels that of young folk.

  6. Would love to see some macrodata from car insurers of accidents by different ages groups.

    I suspect there would a noticeable trend between 18-25 and 70+ drivers, I just wonder how the figures compare.

    Mandatory testing past a certain age has been talked about for over a decade but because its always one/two people injured/killed each time there has been no progress. How many more lives need to be lost before anything is done?

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