Ukrainians shooting at Russian controlled oil rig in Black Sea

Ukrainians shooting at Russian controlled oil rig in Black Sea

by macktruck6666

  1. Interesting they switch between front gunner to rear gunner.

    I can’t imagine an attack so exposed. I hope they have some SEA Sparrows on a support boat.

  2. Looks like the Ukr soldiers are just making sure the Russian soldiers are keeping warm. Good of them to take care of their “brothers”

  3. This footage is mental. I mean, RIP ocean and ocean life, but some dudes fucking up an oil rig with a .50 wasn’t what me 5 years ago thought would be on the cards.

  4. Is this the aug 10/11 attack? In that case its a non producing gas platform that RU used for gps/COM spoof/jamming.

  5. “Russian controled”, that’s why it’s ablaze. Did they use it to bring down an Ukranian misdile?

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