[OC] Politics at Work: More than 20% of people fake their political opinions among colleagues according to a survey of 2,820 employees

Posted by toso_o

  1. Having to express your political views or having a political discussion at work in the first place is usually a pretty big red flag. I can think of rare exceptions, but generally, nothing good comes from it

  2. of course, I always say i vote for the left party so I can be racist, homophobic, etc and get no punishment.

  3. Yeah. Discussing your political view outside of social media is rarely so intense. People usually agree to disagree. I’ve talked about political views, or elections, at every job I’ve had and it never led to an argument.

  4. I used to do this because otherwise it always leads to some debate I’m not interested in. Now I just say I have a no politics rule with co-workers.

  5. I lie, I work with a bunch of trumpers. They fucking hate left wingers

    The media they consume tells em they wanna destroy America and a bunch of bs

    I do try to question them, especially their news sources

  6. Theres a missing motive…to make the other person stop sharing politics. I usually dont care anyone’s opinion. If i fake indifference they will shutup and find someone else to share opinions with.

  7. “Because HR told me that if I use that word to describe the lady who works in the mailroom one more time I’m fired.”

  8. What counts as “faking” it? Does the study define it? Because I’ve just simply refused to answer questions about politics and have also moderated my views at work. Would this count?

  9. I’ve never discussed anything related to politics at work or really heard anyone discussing it.

    Though I doubt I’d need to hide them in such a situation.

  10. The more politically polarized a country gets, the more motivation people have to hide their real feelings until it comes time to vote. People don’t like feeling bullied to vote a certain way, and much more often than not, will rebel against the pressure they feel is forcing them to feel and think a certain way.

    Don’t assume people are “on your side” just because the polls say so.

  11. I’d mostly worked in the service industry until I got a blue collar job about 3 years ago. First “Bidens a dumbass” rant I heard I was like well at least he’s not a conman or a pedophile. For months it was joked that I “came out of the closet as a liberal”

  12. lol I work for a yoga school with like 7 cofounders one of whom is in meetings so often, and jokingly commented “if you vote for Trump you’re fired” which made me uncomfortable.

  13. I used to work for a bunch of self righteous pricks. I had to hide my political views or they would have found a way to get rid of me. Only one person there actually knew how I voted and that’s just because they really enjoyed debate and didn’t get angry.

    Was always ironic that they’d joke about giving diseases to people who were unvaccinated and claim to be compassionate. We worked for a healthcare lab.

  14. I sometimes state extremely radical views openly just to see if anyone dares to challenge them.
    Not necessarily views I have, so technically I am faking it.

  15. The title of the post and of the graph do not line up.

    The post title implies that the respondents have done it regularly, and the graph purports to show who has ever done it even once.

  16. I am surprised there is no option for “don’t want to lose job because of incorrect political opinions”.

  17. Surprised it’s not more. You stand to lose your reputation and your job if it becomes known that your beliefs don’t align with *the message*

  18. Bwhahaha, yeah, I call bullshit. . . Define “faked”. . . My guess is majority of people just smiled, nodded, and went “umm hmm” then forgot about it just to avoid the conversation.

  19. I don’t talk politics at work, and will chase people out of my cube who bring it to me. It’s better for everyone that way. Like Officer’s Mess rules: no discussion about sex/politics/religion. Keep that shit to yourself.

  20. Wow I would have expected those percentages to be flipped. I fake beliefs every day. I mean, I don’t straight up lie but I just get quiet and nod when that one guy at work is talking about the “invasion of illegals” or how China is gonna take over any day now.

  21. 20% fake it, most of the remaining think repeating maxims and shallow phrases constitutes not faking it.

  22. Man I thought this would be a lot higher. 20% feels low. I would think most people would just nod and smile to avoid conflict when politics are discussed at work. I just agree with basically anyone.

  23. “Globally” makes this survey useless. Every country has different reasons for lying or revealing political affiliations. This cannot be generalised.

  24. This is why the secret ballot is important and why mail-in voting (which cannot guarantee a secret ballot) is a bad idea.

  25. I never talk politics at work and couldn’t even imagine it at my company’s culture. The extent of it is “what did you do last night” “oh I watched the debate, it was interesting/fiery” or maybe “do you think NC is a swing state?” Only generals and very reserved

  26. I work in refineries- you either lie about it or become an outcast and getting shit done becomes much more difficult

  27. Politics at what work? Where?

    Go to another place, those numbers will change, so it’s useful to know where (in general terms) those 2820 lived and worked.

  28. I work at a power utilities company surrounded by mechanics and lineman. For the longest time I held my head down when holy Trump got brought up. Now I’m open about my hatred for Trump and now I get treated differently. Should have kept my mouth shut

  29. Fun fact, roughly 20% is also the relative share of the us population who are maga extremists

  30. If “not discussing that because you aren’t capable of having a civil conversation” counts as faking a political view, then yes all the time. I’m a liberal working for a trucking company.

    As far as actually discussing things, then I don’t fake it. I’d rather be honest that agree to please a boss.

    I got into a really heated argument with the owner of the company over Covid protocol when he wanted someone to return to work before the quarantine period was over because he tested negative once.

    Then another time about ethics of doubling the price raise on products that were raised on us. I didn’t like the memo that told us what to tell accounts when they asked why everything went up $1.00.

  31. This would be way more interesting if it could be displayed on a per country basis. Political talk or any other topic for small talk or not so small talk can really change depending on what’s culturally acceptable.

  32. If you are faking it to make yourself look better, and you’re the one judging this look as “better,” maybe you should think about that…

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