Some poor Scotsman has found themselves featured in a Buzzfeed list of “most stupid things people have said on the internet.”

The fact that the person replying spelt Scotland wrong 🙃

by NosAstraia

  1. There’s around fifty percent of the population that would agree with him. The post under its spelling is hilarious though

  2. I prefer to go with country of birth rather than political zone.
    Just like I didnt refer to myself as European unionish I don’t consider myself British in that regard.

  3. British, despite what the dictionary and maps insist, is a synonym for English in all practical usage terms.

    “British” has always been a top-down political ideology.

    It’s funny how English people use “British” as a kind of non-racist version of “English”

    Nae idea where this “Scottland” is, though. Somewhere near Sallyland and Susanland?

  4. Scottish people are also British and European.

    Whether or not you consider those aspects part of your ‘identity’ is irrelevant because self identity isn’t the only form of identity.

    Also anyone who self identifies that strongly with something as tenuous as country of origin needs to get a better identity.

  5. Right, but you know they mean English when they say British, so the correction is absolutely valid.

  6. British normally refers to Londoners, children of recent immigrants and Northern Irish unionists. Everyone else in the UK is English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish.

  7. I wonder if, say, the Jovians had long ago decided that the inner planets were called “the Plampf sector” if you’d get “proud Erfflings” popping up on reddit to assert that everybody’s an Earthling *and* a Plampf, it’s a simple fact of the Solar System, and start marching about Glasgow with their wee whistles and drums displaying their Plampf pride

  8. To paraphrase an English saying;

    British by birth but Scottish by the grace of God.

    The number of times I had to explain to Americans when I worked there that Scotland is a country and England is a country but they are separated by a border (however flimsy), that the UK was made up of countries joined together to form a larger whole (or hole if you prefer).

    I am Scottish, I was born and raised in Scotland, I wasn’t raised in Britain because that includes all the other parts.

  9. Lmao I saw one of these. I was in a week sub and i said u like drew macintyre bcuse he’s British, someone then said “he’s not British he’s Scottish lmao”. It’s usually the Americans that don’t know this stuff

  10. We are told if someone wants to identify as an octsexual wet lemon with 3 different types of genitals then we must respect that.

    If anyone tells someone from Scotland they cant identify as Scottish then we have some real problems with the balance of what is now ok when it comes to respecting other peoples identities.

  11. Expat Scottish person here. I’m asked where I’m from almost daily. I would never call myself British .

  12. Aye, so is it just me that believes buzzfeed looks stupid cause anyone born in scotland is scottish just because your british citizen does not mean your british just like when they call it a optional union when we all know it’s no.

    It must only be the English that call their self’s british cause if anyone I Kent tried calling me british, I’d fucking stick the nutt in them and before going on my rant.

    Fuck buzzfeed and fuck any cunt that calls their self british “fanny’s canna even be proud enough of the own country/countrymen to call thier self’s english or whatever they are”

    And one last thing NO-WHERE on my my birth certificate does it say BRITISH!!!

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