[Dale Johnson] VAR Review: Bruno Fernandes red card should have been reviewed and given a yellow. Fernandes did not lead with, or make any contact with his studs, and there was low force. It was a glancing blow with the outside of his boot. VAR stuck with onfield despite clear evidence of a mistake.

[Dale Johnson] VAR Review: Bruno Fernandes red card should have been reviewed and given a yellow. Fernandes did not lead with, or make any contact with his studs, and there was low force. It was a glancing blow with the outside of his boot. VAR stuck with onfield despite clear evidence of a mistake.

by ChiefLeef22

  1. I mean if they could only have reviewed the decision ay? Spurs would have won the game but this is a total failure, yet again, to correct an on the field mistake. So use the video ref or just stop having them.

  2. If they don’t step in when there is “clear evidence of a mistake”, what is the point of even having them at all?

  3. No shit, what’s the point in VAR at all if they’re never gonna disagree with the in field decision because they don’t want to upset or undermine their mate.

    Not to mention “clear and obvious” which just muddies the water further…I will never understand the logic behind “yeah it’s a wrong decision but it’s not a howler so we’ll let it slide”

  4. WTH? Dude made attempt to attack his knee – his foot is high, he slipped and lost control and tried to clip him anyway. He had no chance to get to the ball. This is evident dangerous play and while it may be just a slight contact its red.

    What would I get If I try to take a swing at other player and I miss? Same crap here.

    What if I make a slide tackle – both feet in the air and miss other player private parts by inch?

    Why are we even discussing it.

    We have seen reds being given when guy’s foot slips on the ball and hits his opponents above his ankle. No malice – just freak incident. Here – there is malice

  5. Imagine if other managers and fans had stood up with klopp and liverpool. Imagine the change that could have been made. Instead they were mocked and here we are, same old shit.

  6. Ridiculous. I can understand the reasoning for the red in real time but I don’t get how they fail to continously overturn wrong calls. FA is making VAR seem like a joke. If the VAR refs are unwilling to do their job then change the system so there’s someone in the booth whose number one priority isn’t avoiding making their buddy on the field look bad.

  7. It was a red… no attempt to play the ball, and if anything the slip prevented the tackle from being worse than it was.

  8. Everyone saying “it was a red” would be raging if a player for their club was sent off for that tackle

    I’m not a Man Utd fan

  9. I don’t know how they’ve got themselves into such a mess since introducing VAR when there’s sports which have been running it successfully for years. It’s almost like they don’t want to upset each other. It’s not fit for purpose.

  10. VAR has basically been told to fuck off by the PGMOL this season, no wonder refereeing is even worse than last season.

  11. And how do they punish the ones making the mistake? Fire them? Deduct a season pay?

    If the league doesn’t punish, the club should take legal action either against the referee in the var room or the league it’s self.

    Stop defending shit decisions.

    It cost millions for clubs if one mistake like that is given.

  12. The least they could do is overturn the suspension for his next game. Like, part of an apology is doing something to make up for it.

  13. VARS job is to correct this sort of thing, why change the rules on its use to essentially rarely correct mistakes

  14. He slipped and then went after the leg in the height of the knee and with no intent of playing the ball. It’s a clear red in that aspect. Soft red yes, but red. Ruined the game? Probably not, United were trash even with 11 men and I doubt they would’ve won or even taken a point from that game anyway.

  15. The issues are always consistency and application; in real time it looks like a red but in my opinion it also looks like it should be reviewed; however, once reviewed (in my opinion) it looks *soft* but it’s not a clear and obvious error to overturn. Serious foul play or violent conduct doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to make full contact with the opponent, it’s the scenario that’s dangerous. He’s studs out at knee height and that sort of action has been a sending off regardless of the amount of actual contact there’s been, for literal years now. The way Var is used sucks and is making things worse; simultaneously the result of this scenario and referee decision isn’t a clear and obvious error

  16. Regardless of this being a red or not we have no style of play, no idea what positions players are taking, no pressing, no energy. It’s just flat out shit coaching – I don’t think I’ve ever seen a manager so far out of his depth.

    Bruno needs this break anyway, sick of his hollywood passing and losing possession all game.

  17. Although I am happy it was for Bruno this shit’s infuriating. It takes 10 seconds to see it wasn’t a red.

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