Putin sagt, Russland werde „alle in der Ukraine gesetzten Ziele“ erreichen

Putin sagt, Russland werde „alle in der Ukraine gesetzten Ziele“ erreichen


  1. Only if the initial goal was to get it’s ass handed to it for two and a half years and counting…

  2. Putin: “We are defending a safe future for our children”

    Meanwhile: Russian schools kids are being given weapons training so they are ready to go and die at the front the day they are of age.

  3. Well, if his goal was to get more countries to join NATO, then accomplished!

    If one of his goals was to destroy russia’s economy, then bravo, almost there!

    One of the goals to lose the black sea fleet? yep got that too!

    Goal to lose hundreds of thousands of russian soldiers, reduce russia’s military stockpile to pre 1930 levels? You bet!

    He’s on a winning streak here!

  4. Putins Secret Ukraine goals:

    Alienate Russia from international community: check

    Lose entire Soviet stockpile of weapons: in progress

    Lose millions of working age men from Russia: in progress

    Lose Russian territory: check

    Flush Russian economy down the toilet: what’s a toilet?

    Prove to the world Russia is not a superpower: Big check

    Did I miss any?

    Edit: spelling as im a caveman and bad with words

  5. It would be funny if he did like the soviets when they deleted all traces of purged members from all media and documents and he retroactively deleted all goals set for the Ukrainian war leaving only stuff they actually managed to do and he just pulls out acting like he won.

  6. This should show Trump that Putin will not negotiate a deal unless he gets all demands.

    Why people demand a bad deal for Ukraine is beyond me. It will only insure a new war by Russia at a later date.

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