Putin Signs Autumn Conscription Decree as Russian Losses Exceed 650,000

Putin Signs Autumn Conscription Decree as Russian Losses Exceed 650,000

by UNITED24Media

  1. Well conscripts won’t see the frontline. (Well unless Ukraine decides again to push into Russia lol)

  2. Desperately Pinocchio tries to save his ass with the lives of the few russians that are left. Poor miserable ending for a wantbe monarch

  3. Ah Pootin, the guy with whom the ONLY certain thing is “if says he wont, or he will do some thing he probably will do exactly the contrary.”

  4. 650000 is way way more than BBC stated last week. Creating false hope never helped nations to win wars.

  5. That number of people is greater than a small city the size of ~~Grand Rapids in the US~~ or Rotterdam in the EU. Putin really doesn’t give a fuck about his people.

    Edit: The numbers I got from a quick search were wrong so I struck it out. It’s still a fuck ton of people.

  6. Isn’t this just the usual annual conscription that any country with a conscript army would conscript?

    The same conscripts that Putin cannot legally (and politically) use in his “special military operation”.

  7. They are gonna hit a tipping point. Between the losses of men and the large number who have fled Russia already to avoid conscription (1.5 – 2 million) they are going to get a revolt, and have a military so stretched thin they can’t spare anyone to put it down. He is already digging into prisons that is how desperate they are. And lets be realistic, they all aren’t that stupid, they know what’s actually going on and personally see and know the injured and dead, and they see the videos of the war.

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