Ukraine occupies less than 0.5% of the world’s land area, but its soils contain 5% of the world’s mineral resources. According to various research centers, the value of Ukraine’s mineral resources is about $15 trillion. The winner in this war will get all!

Ukraine occupies less than 0.5% of the world’s land area, but its soils contain 5% of the world’s mineral resources. According to various research centers, the value of Ukraine’s mineral resources is about $15 trillion. The winner in this war will get all!

by Swimming-Beyond378

  1. Well, since the winner will be Ukraine, I look forward to seeing how they use these resources to better their lives and country.

  2. “Winner takes all” hey maybe don’t insinuate that this bloodbath of a conflict will have a winner. Or give the orcs more reason to colonize.

  3. This is exactly why Putin wanted the Eastern Ukraine for Ruzzia.
    All the crap about ‘protecting’ Ruzzian nationals in the East was all just smoke and mirrors going back decades.

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