Orbán, Le Pen and Wilders are buzzing over Austria’s far right winning election

Orbán, Le Pen and Wilders are buzzing over Austria’s far right winning election


by Apprehensive_Sleep_4

  1. Is it the case in Austria, as in other countries, that people from rural areas tend to vote in higher numbers for far-right parties?

  2. If I’ve learned anything its that “far right” is what being moderate was 10 years ago so, good job Austria! Hopefully the rest of the EU follows along.

  3. If only the “traditional” parties could take a hard stance on immigration to prevent this, but I guess they just can’t push themselves to do it.

  4. IMO the center and left banked too much on “people will never vote for far right” thing. Got too comfortable and ignored people’s concerns. Hope this is a wake up call to do better.

  5. Lol they feel special when they act against the EU. They will get the chance to call for an exit. Then what ?. Just bullshit. Instead of improving, they just create noise.

  6. It is to be hoped that the other parties can form a coalition.
    This far-right party is not going to solve anything.

  7. Lovely… oh I’m not liking the future right now. At least it’s not gonna stay far right forever.

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