‘Morning Joe’ Asks Trump: How Did Harris ‘Destroy’ You in Debate if She’s ‘Stupid?’

‘Morning Joe’ Asks Trump: How Did Harris ‘Destroy’ You in Debate if She’s ‘Stupid?’


Posted by Quirkie

  1. What’s with these AI posts and quoting three words/phrases in the title? Also what’s wrong with the morons in the comment section that lap this garbage up?

  2. What’s with these AI posts and quoting three words/phrases in the title? Also what’s wrong with the morons in the comment section that lap this garbage up?

  3. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” – Umberto Eco, 1995, “Eternal Fascism

  4. Oh it was because she was wearing an earpiece with someone feeding her the “answers” /s

    Even though Trump got the first word on nearly every question and the last word on EVERY question. She just let him make a fool of himself.

  5. I’d say in a way he won the debate because all anyone has talked about since then is eating cats and dogs. Say what you will about him (I can’t stand him to be clear) he does know how to focus the whole conversation on him. He did that on purpose and we all fell for it.

  6. This is the same “Boring Joe” that had an unhinged rant about how Biden was his sharpest ever, and the best version of Biden ever. And the next week they threw Biden in the dumpster and pulled out Kammy to run. And she was “the worst VP in history” a few month prior. This guy is a total joke. Don’t believe a word he says.

  7. Because in America, if a person is highly intelligent or educated, they are seen as “mentally disabled” (actually, the “r” word).

  8. His crowds aren’t 1000 in empty arenas it’s 50, 60 a 100 thousand imaginary supporters who are buying sneakers, NFT cards and Gold Trump watches. This TV series is definitely losing its plot.

  9. Joe Scarborough has no credibility after lying to us about how sharp Biden was despite us seeing everything for ourselves. What a gas lighter…

  10. When my dog heard that Kamala was born stupid he started HOOOOWLING. Almost like someone was blowing a whistle. Just wild.

  11. He had the gall to mention on live tv that Haitians were eating pets, but it’s kamala with impaired brain function? He is so unpresidental it’s embarrassing! Unfit for office.

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