1 storm, more than 100 dead and a 500-mile path of destruction. Now comes the hard work of recovering from Helene

1 storm, more than 100 dead and a 500-mile path of destruction. Now comes the hard work of recovering from Helene


by Naurgul

  1. Well, at least we know it wasn’t caused by climate change. Someone just didn’t pray hard enough.

  2. Good luck getting insurance in the future. Where we are with storms and wild fires not even close to the destruction wreaked by Helene the insurance industry is threatening to shut down. Of course it’s all about profits so they are really angling for the government to bail them out and allow them to increase their rates to astronomical levels but you have to wonder where it will end. All the people living in the areas affected have probably seen it all before. Some didn’t even try to get out of the way.

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