‘This country’s biased media is shamelessly using things I’ve actually said to make me look bad’, insists Kemi Badenoch

‘This country’s biased media is shamelessly using things I’ve actually said to make me look bad’, insists Kemi Badenoch

‘This country’s biased media is shamelessly using things I’ve actually said to make me look bad’, insists Kemi Badenoch

by topotaul

  1. I always wonder, if the right-wing is so great, why do they need to lie at all? Why do they need scapegoats and fictional stories if the real stories prove that they’re right?

  2. Kemi… You don’t need help looking bad. And you’re doing so when the media has been generally biased in your favour for *years*.

  3. Stop outsiders like Murdoch owning the newspapers. Imagine Joseph Goebbels owning many local and national publishing outlets in the UK, including The Sun and The Times, in the thirties? The news media is too powerful to be owned by non-British citizens. They practically decide who governs us, and Murdoch isn’t even eligible to vote.

  4. She’s just so incredibly unlikeable. The way every conversation or interview with her feels like an argument – she’s so combative and always seems to be on attack mode.

    Imagine as a leader she’d be in the short line for mutiny

  5. No they don’t, just think before you open your mouth instead of thinking only of the base you trying very hard to appeal to.

  6. As nutty as Truss but more dangerous because you sense she at least has a few more strategic braincells as well as the weapons-grade self belief. God help the UK if she actually gets near power.

  7. If she doesn’t like that the things she says makes her look bad… shouldn’t she just change what she says? Maybe try to be less of a cunt.

  8. Oh, come on, this is too good!

    A protege of Michael Gove (the New Editor of the Spectator) is saying that the media in this country, which runs right wing, is out to stitch her up?

    Does she realise that we have access to all her interviews?

  9. Will never get boring how the left stops pretending to care about all their issues when it’s a non white person doing it.

    Criticism of her comments is implicitly stating that you think cultures that don’t give women rights, murder gay people and prosecute religious minorities are either as or more valid than a culture with equal rights, freedom and democracy

    I love the salty butthurt downvotes with no replies, keep them coming lmao

  10. Woman wo runs a low energy election campaign and says stupid things in her media interviews makes sad face.

  11. If the Tories think running a young black woman will appeal to their OAP base… then they really are over the hill.

    The amount of P word slurs I heard used to describe rishi sunak (who isn’t even from Pakistan) is disgusting.

    I hope she gets selected. They will end up spliting the vote with farage, then losing again.

    I know for a fact the torys will raise income tax to pay for services that the boomers complain about, despite the fact they were the ones that killed them with austerity.

  12. There is a major issue with the media imo. Corbyn didn’t ever get a fair shake, badenoch won’t get a fair shake.

    But…these people are their own worst enemies. They speak first and think later.

    But the idea that the media is unbiased is to be blind.

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