Picking out my mask this evening

Posted by Alarmed-Mess3744

  1. The Night of Broken Glass is gonna end up repeating in America, and idiot will *still* not see the Nazi parallels. Dems still refuse to call out the Nazi bullshit that’s been part of his campaign since 2015 and are still fueling Israel’s genocide while saying it has a right to defend itself. We haven’t learned a thing from history, and it’s exhausting living through repeats with no one doing anything meaningful to actually stop it

  2. The thing is, it’s the ex-Trump supporters who are trying to kill Trump and it has nothing to do do with Democrats. Here’s what’s going on.

    Trump uses the fear-filled-messages of various groups of violent zealots. They think he’s one of them and they think that he will enact their radical agendas that will avert the disaster they fear. Then some of the true-believers figure out that he’s actually *not* one of them. He’s only in it for himself and using them. The ones who figure this out can’t convince the others of their group that Trump is using them.

    So the zealous true believer sees Trump as big of an enemy as the subject of the fear messages, but nobody is listening!

    So what does a violent, fearful, zealot do when they can’t see any way to avert the disaster they fear because Trump isn’t actually going to do anything, but his fellow zealots are too blind to see it? They’ve put their hope in Trump.


    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  3. I agree mostly, but will add that he says whatever he thinks will get traction with any group.

  4. People in my area have started spray painting over MAGA with solid white and spraying in “FIGHT” in red letters…

  5. When Hitler is in your future, you don’t have to invent time travel to stop him. You just have to vote.

  6. In the movie, these characters here are actually foreign travelers who come for the purge as sport.

    Just saying

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