Adam Kinzinger an American politician and senior political commentator for CNN

Adam Kinzinger an American politician and senior political commentator for CNN

by Becauseyouarethebest

  1. Future generations will look back at this war and ask why we did so much to cause this war to go on way longer than it should have.

    Allow Ukraine to use the weapons given to them to hit anywhere in Russia.

    34 days to go! I am praying JB drops the hammer once she gets elected. Down even wait for the swearing in.

    Edit: I am so mad at this situation… I meant “Dont** not Down”

  2. All Drumpf is trying to figure out is how he can personally make money out of any situation. He has zero understanding of anything out side of that concept. He doesn’t know how tariffs work, doesn’t know how wind turbines work, doesn’t know how a hurricane works, doesn’t understand how vaccines work, doesn’t understand how the military functions, has no clue how the economy operates, has no understanding of the Constitution, has no concept of putting yourself before others, has no empathy, has no humility and basically is dumb as a box of hammers. How he is even close to the Whitehouse again, let alone an ex-President of the USA, is beyond me. Vote Blue in November and Slava Ukraini. 🇺🇦

  3. I said this at the time. That Zelensky had to be in the same room as this cowardly fuckwit is a disgrace. Still, he’s not the first shit stain he’s dealt with and won’t be the last.

  4. Kinzinger has positioned himself to be a leader of a kinder, gentler conservatism that America so desperately needs. I like him.

  5. I truly hope Mr. Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are offered cabinet posts after Harris wins the election.

  6. The dumb fuck rapist started talking about the election and the Mueller hoax and finally ended with, “Zelensky could have been cute, but he wasn’t cute”

    Fucking lunatic

  7. I felt outraged for him as an American. listening to Trump spout his bullshit standing next to a man 100x better of a leader than him made me so mad. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇸🇺🇦

  8. A very old but very true adage. Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.
    The democrats have absolutely no idea on foreign policy.

  9. All of his financing comes from Russian oligarchs because the US banking system won’t go within 100 miles of him.

  10. In February 2022 he described Putin’s invasion as”genius” and then said over and over again how smart he was. “I mean he is getting a whole country for a few dollars worth of sanction, I’d call that pretty smart”.

    Trump recently said that “millions” have died in Putin’s SMO but only a few weeks ago described Putin as “my very good friend”.

  11. our stupid and outdated Electoral College system is why he even has a chance, I’m sorry it’s this way.

  12. Zelensky had to do this, he did not want to do this, but for his country he had to do this. FDJT the traitor to his own nation who puts Russia and himself above all. Harris MUST win.

  13. I have a lot of respect for Adam Kinzinger.  He has been one of the few GOP heads that has been against Trump’s madness.

  14. I applaud President Zelenskyy for showing up. This must’ve been a terribly difficult meeting for him, and I expect he went back to his hotel, had a double shot of bourbon and took a very long, hot shower to wash the stink off.

  15. Trump saying it takes two to tango was wild. Its like having someone come take over part of your house, refuse to leave, kill and rape your wife and kids and then saying oh but it takes two to tango you know? How about you guys just settle it and be friends and let them keep the part of the house.

    What a disgrace Trump is, so disgusting that he has brainwashed so many people into his cult and even has any chance at all to get elected again.

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