Acid attack at west London school leaves girl seriously injured

Acid attack at west London school leaves girl seriously injured

by Alex09464367

  1. I don’t care who did it or what state of mind they are in. I don’t even care if it was another kid. If you ever attack someone like this then I sincerely hope with every fibre of my being that you die horribly and painfully. I cannot even begin to imagine how the victim and her family are going to be feeling. Absolute scum.

  2. this is my school, it happened in westminster and it was due to a fight that took place in school and a teacher being a bit rough when separating it. it was either a friend or a family member who went to throw the acid apparently but a teacher was harmed and two of my friends.

  3. Some people here commenting for the identity of the perpetrators when it was most likely another school kid, but we know they’re waiting for it to be a brown person to demonise for agenda.

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