Just got on a train and found an abandoned pot noodle

Just got on a train and found an abandoned pot noodle

by ChloeHammer

  1. Did they take their fork with them, or were they eating it with their fingers? I assume they brought it with them in to the train, but did they not realize how little time they’d have to eat it? I have so many questions.

    Edit: if anyone wants it, I think it’s just arrived at Blackfriars. It’ll be going back to Sevenoaks in a few minutes unless the cleaners get to it.

  2. Oh it’s a Bad Boy. Yeah, I wouldn’t eat that with my fingers 😂

    It’s now a work of art. Sell it to a local gallery, you could be sat on a goldmine there! 😂

  3. Just a pot noodle. Oh – and I found a tin of dog food on the tool shelf.

    Well, pretty obvious what gets eaten last. I can’t stand pot noodles.

  4. Probably because they are horrible, sadly if , that’s a huge if , this was me . I would have taken it home popped the alleged food into the food waste and recycled the pot 🙄

  5. RIP to this fallen super snack! The mistreatment of this pot noodle, the cheeky in-between meals legend, is killing me.

  6. If it’s anything like my experience with Pot Noodles, our erstwhile owner was trying a different flavour and abandoned it after two forkfuls to go back to chicken and mushroom.

  7. That’s not abandoned.. pay it forward….
    Have a bit and leave some for the next person…

  8. “Should have got chicken and mushroom… ” – me, every time I try a pot noodle flavour other than chicken and mushroom.

  9. Just waiting for someone to post “Went for a piss on the train and some bastard stole my pot noodle”

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