Iran bereitet Raketenangriff auf Israel vor, sagt das Weiße Haus

Iran bereitet Raketenangriff auf Israel vor, sagt das Weiße Haus

  1. Isreal: We’re invading Lebanon.

    US: Dope.

    Iran: There will be repercussions.

    US: …hol up.

  2. Do we think they have developed a warhead? I feel like this isn’t as much to worry about unless we think they’ve crossed the nuclear threshold

  3. Didn’t they do this in April? This feels so performative, just so Iran can tell its people, “See, we’re doing something”.

  4. This will define the real final phase of the war and end of the Iranian Ayatollah regime of the terror network in the Middle East.

  5. Is this also part of the ceasefire that the white house has been talking about for the past year?

  6. Oh look at that!
    Iran: “we don’t want an all out war; lets just lie repeatedly while we create tension in other countries”

    Also Iran: “let’s fund terror factions in several countries around Israel with the intention they get attacked by them”

    Iran again: “our pretences didn’t work, let’s shoot at them”

    What is the rest of the world gonna do? Watch?

    Israel is NOT the aggressor here.

    We may disagree with some of their policies and actions, we may think the Gaza situation is precarious (and everyone agrees there); but they HAVE the right to exist too and they are being constantly attacked.

    Justifying attacking them because Israel exists is not ok; and Palestine belongs to both, whether the countries around agree or not.

  7. Is white house offering an airplane ride to Netanyahu as they offered to Zelensky in 2022?

  8. I’m expecting Iran’s response to be impotent just like the last time. I am still concerned though about major escalation in the area such as an attack on the Temple Mount.

  9. Jordan, Saudi Arabia, I’d like to see some of your missile and drones defense today. I remember your help in the last barrage.

  10. Jewish holidays coming up. That now means missiles in the forecast. Too bad they always ask for ceasefire during Ramadan.

  11. I see Iran has forgotten the last time a super power got “Proportional” with them and wants to fuck around and find out again…

  12. If it’s immanent, within the next couple of hours, Iran’s drones may already be in the air. That might be what tipped them off.

  13. They know they can’t hit Isreal with any potency due to the distance and countries it has to go over, they will more likely hit American bases in iraq I think and mossad safe houses in the area

  14. The middle east really seems like an unpleasant place to live, why did God chose that to be the promise land vs. idk, anywhere else?

  15. Nobody is sure how this will all end. But it’s pretty obvious that Iran is being reactionary and desperate. I can assure you that Israel and the US (at least these two) are playing 4d chess and have mapped out many many many possible moves in the future and their outcomes. Scary of course.

  16. Arent they preparing this since last time israel killed some high hamas/hezbollah leads and nothing happend because they chickend out

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