PSA: With the days getting shorter, it’s time to get yourself some D

PSA: With the days getting shorter, it’s time to get yourself some D

by blue_strat

  1. For real though, thanks for the reminder OP.
    Currently on taper for a marathon after a long 16 weeks of training. With my mileage volume dropping significantly, so has my exposure to the D since I’ve been outside far less.

    Been wondering why I’ve been feeling trash recently, and my sleep has been worse.

    Time to get the D inside me.

  2. Deeper still, that night I write by candle light
    I find insight, fundamental movement

    So when it’s black this insomniac take an original tack

    Keep the beast in my nature under ceaseless attack

    I gets no D

    I can’t get no D

  3. “A statistical error in the estimation of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D was recently discovered; in a correct analysis of the data used by the Institute of Medicine, it was found that 8895 IU/d was needed for 97.5% of individuals to achieve values ≥50 nmol/L.”

    So they have BADLY miscalculated how much vitamin D we need. If you are taking less than 8895 IU per day, you have a 97.5% chance of becoming deficient. 10k per day should be the new standard…. Yet some UK governing bodies still suggest 600 IU!!! Pure insanity.


  4. Remember to look after others too, as well as yourself.

    Please give some D to your parents, kids and others who may not get out as much I’m these colder and darker days.

  5. ” Open wide, here comes the D train”…”Oh, look, two D trains at once, you saucy minx”

  6. Sliding into my DMs may too provide _just_ a touch over the recommended vitamin D intake

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