Einziges Opfer des Massenangriffs mit iranischen Raketen ist ein Palästinenser in Jericho: Berichte

Einziges Opfer des Massenangriffs mit iranischen Raketen ist ein Palästinenser in Jericho: Berichte

Only Fatality From Mass Iranian Missile Attack Is Palestinian Man From Gaza

  1. Uhh… that’s a pretty massive piece to be called “missile shrapnel”?

    It’s also way too large to be debris from Iron Dome, which is a missile with 6″ diameter.

  2. I find this very hard to believe after seeing the video of 20+ ballistic missile impacts hitting them. How could they possibly even assess that after only an hour?

  3. So far the Iranian attack has caused more disruption to air traffic in Iraq and Syria than damage to Israel.

  4. It’s almost as if they fire indiscriminately. Where’s the ICC? Think they’d issue a warrant for war crimes? I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  5. Iran’s activities always remind me of Neal Stephenson’s Cryptonomicon (in the context of Athena and Ares both being gods of war):

    “So insofar as Athena is a goddess of war, what really do we mean by that? Note that her most famous weapon is not her sword but her shield Aegis, and Aegis has a gorgon’s head on it, so that anyone who attacks her is in serious danger of being turned to stone. She’s always described as being calm and majestic, neither of which adjectives anyone ever applied to Ares….

    Let’s face it, Randy, we’ve all known guys like Ares. The pattern of human behavior that caused the internal mental representation known as Ares to appear in the minds of the ancient Greeks is very much with us today, in the form of terrorists, serial killers, riots, pogroms, and agressive tinhorn dictators who turn out to be military incompetents. And yet for all their stupidity and incompetence, people like that can conquer and control large chunks of the world if they are not resisted….

    Who is going to fight them off, Randy?

    Sometimes it might be other Ares-worshippers, as when Iran and Iraq went to war and no one cared who won. But if Ares-worshippers aren’t going to end up running the whole world, someone needs to do violence to them. This isn’t very nice, but it’s a fact: civilization requires an Aegis. And the only way to fight the bastards off in the end is through intelligence. Cunning. Metis.”

    and nobody represents Metis better than Israel.


  6. So is the Iranian regime going down?

    Israel cannot be seen as weak after an attack of this magnitude being done against it.

  7. Iran is showing again and again that they are a paper tiger. Israel and US should take advantage and just strike their nuclear facilities already. Get their nuclear threat off the table.

  8. A hush falls over the Lebanese crowd, cheering the missile attack, at the limp-dick results from their only backer

  9. i was watching the videos and it didn’t look like the missiles we’re making much of an explosion lol

    i obviously know nothing about all of that but i was expecting giant explosions

    but there were people filming like within a mile of it and they didn’t seem that scared. felt weird

  10. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.algemeiner.com/2024/10/01/only-casualty-of-mass-iranian-missile-attack-is-palestinian-man-in-jericho-reports/) reduced by 80%. (I’m a bot)
    > A man was killed by missile shrapnel in the West Bank village of Nu'eima, near Jericho, amid the Iranian attack on Israel on Oct. 1, 2024, according to Palestinian and Israeli media.

    > A Palestinian man in the West Bank village of Nu'eima, near Jericho, was killed by missile shrapnel, possibly from an Arrow Missile or Iron Dome interceptor, during a massive Iranian missile attack against Israel, according to the Israeli Defense Force.

    > In April, during Iran's missile attack on the Jewish state, Amina Alhasoni, a 7-year-old girl from a Bedouin village in the Negev was critically wounded by an Iranian missile.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1ftx8gz/only_casualty_of_mass_iranian_missile_attack_is/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~694532 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Israel**^#1 **missile**^#2 **Israeli**^#3 **attack**^#4 **Iranian**^#5

  11. There is some property damage, but I believe the greatest impact is mental. Sitting in fear in a shelter with my kids for over half an hour, hearing the sirens repeatedly, is not something I’ll easily forget

    the iranians probably know that, they are masters of deceit

  12. The genocidal Hamas and Hezbollah supporters in the west are perfectly happy to sacrifice every last Jordanian Lebanese and Palestinian just to spite Israel.

    This is downright comical if it wasn’t so tragic. I can not believe that in 2024 there are radical extremists in every major city cheering this on.

    Hope the queen of Jordan is going to do a little self reflection.

  13. Israel, moon-walking up and down Hamas’ and Hezbollah’s asses while matrix-dodging bullets.

    Like a masterclass

  14. The video of how the rocket hits him..is 

    Uh..unlucky and most Murphy law thing I’ve seen in my life.

  15. Every time muslims bomb Israel, I try to imagine what would happen, if they hit the Dome of the Rock..

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